Tel: 01777 874915 Mob: 07865 238171
Speed Ramp
50 mm height for 15-20 mph speed limits
- Constructed from recycled PVC
- Embedded cats eyes as standard
- High visibility yellow sections contrasting with pure black sections
- Mid sections 500mm in length
- End sections 250mm in length
Surface Mounted Flow Plates
- Designed to encourage a one way traffic flow and prevent any unauthorised entry/exit
within any location.
- Ideal for use on concrete or harder road surfaces.
- Warning signs and speed ramps are highly recommended to be used in conjunction with
traffic flow control plates.
- 425 mm x 375 mm x 90 mm high (including teeth)
Sunken Flow Plates
- Designed to encourage a one way traffic flow and prevent unauthorised entry/exit
within any location.
- Ideal for use on tarmac or softer road surfaces.
- Warning signs and speed ramps are highly recommended to be used in conjunction with
traffic flow plates.
- Available in yellow or white powder coating.
- 350 mm x 216 mm x 204 mm deep